Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Lovely Afternoon with Kate

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting~ Emerson

I was totally planning on shooting just a couple valentine minis with Kate this afternoon. Her pink on pink striped walls are the perfect back drop and the lighting in her room is gorgeous. But as it would turn out she was putting the finishing touches on her valentines... So I did a little story telling session with her instead. I thoroughly enjoyed capturing Kate just being Kate... I know this is becoming quite the trend for children's photography. I prefer capturing kids in their own environment. Now we did ask Kate to look at the camera and pose a few certain ways but most of the time she chatted with her grandmother on her "FOR REALS" phone... Hoot is so envious! She finished up her valentines, played on her leap pad explorer and played in her awesome tent. It was very low key and easy. If you are interested in booking a Story Telling Session, contact me for details... It's a lot of fun and I come to you!






Sweet Scout visited the groomer so she beckoned the camera... I could not resist





Kate is so sweet... she was very serious about her conversation with grandmother... I love that she had her number written down on the back of a paper in special place in her room. It was just so sweet.

I also love the in between stage... She still plays with her dolls but it won't be long and she will be fully TWEEN!!! I want her to stay little...

Her shell collection was right next to her bedside



Mother/Daughter.... Sigh... love

Kate is good girl!

And has a good "FREDS" list too.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Instagram Love

I'm loving Instagram these days... who knew you could just upload pics with little to no commentary... it's a great relationship... you can find me over at Instagram at Illuminate  I post pics of the kiddos and my work pretty much daily. It's so easy to upload on the go!


I have a really talented friend that took my vision for this back drop and ran with it. She whipped this out in about 30 mins then we celebrated her success with Chinese food! It was a win win!

She has become quite the HAM!!!

Libbie wants to be in every shot... if she isn't supposed to be in the shot... (like of my clients) She is happy to photo bomb it.... and she is quick too!!!