Friday, May 31, 2013

Lens Love



"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings." - Hodding Carter


I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow so I rented a 70-200mm Nikon Lens!! I'm in love. It's terribly heavy but worth the extra weight. I don't want to send it back!

Great Teacher Gift

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Paragraph Breaks

Why are all my paragraphs running together? I can't stand it and I don't know how to fix it!!

God Calling??

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Monograms and Minivans

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." Desmond Tutu I've been a monogram girl for a long time now. I love preppy crests and seals of all sorts... I think its the English girl in me! I have never loved minivans... Ever. Ever. Hang with me.. there is a point. I never in a million years thought I would purchase one... but. Never say never. With Libbie's orthopedic condition, she isn't able to bend her left leg. Getting in and out of my wagon (because a wagon is way cooler than a minivan) was becoming quite a challenge for her. As she's grown that little left leg just kept creeping closer and closer to my head rest. I could literally see her foot when I changed lanes. So we started looking at SUV's about a year ago. I just couldn't bring myself to sell my beloved Volvo wagon. It's been my dream car since high school (truly) and it was paid for. I didn't want a car payment and the only SUV that was really spacious enough to accommodate us was a suburban or Tahoe. I'm not a fan of the Tahoe and the Suburban (which was my previous vehicle prior to the wagon) was soooo big. I loved the space but sure hated the gas bill each week and it was so heavy. I have a couple friends that have Honda Odysseys but could not imagine driving one. I asked a friend if I could come by and let The Doll try it out. I didn't want to go to a dealership (because I would rather have a root canal than deal with purchasing a new car). She agreed and we stopped over one afternoon. I was absolutely blown away at the space and the fact the Libbie could climb in and out all by herself AND get herself into the car seat (bonus!!!). I was sold!! So a couple weeks ago we found the Odyssey for us. It was a super easy purchase that fit our budget. With mixed emotions I said fair well to the Volvo. She was good to me. We took the Odyssey on her maiden voyage and she did great! We had her packed to the gills and still had plenty of room. We watched videos and Hoot said he finally felt like a real family... (like another family we love to hang out with, who also has an odyssey) Who knew a mini van would have that kind of impact on him... HA!!! Finally were a "real" family... maybe this purchase will spare us Hoot's Therapist bill later down the road! So, to make the Odyssey mine, I copied a dear friend of mine and ordered a monogram... (pink). A girl can never have too many monograms and some how I think it makes my minivan a smidgen cooler than any other~! DSC_2488 DSC_2486

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me!

"The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age." Lucille Ball I celebrated the best birthday ever! I woke to my children (8) and (5) serving me a cream cheese cupcake donned with sprinkles... and coffee. You know it's going to be a good day! We lounged all morning on the porch swing in the beautiful weather. The weather man fore casted a wet rainy day much like the day before. Libbie and I dropped Hoot off with Dad and we headed to a dear friends birthday party. Libbie is still very much a daddy's girl... I knew a meltdown was coming when I dropped Hoot and she didn't get to stay too. To my surprise... she held it together and seemed to enjoy our car ride into the city. We were headed to a party at a gymnastics club. I wasn't sure how she would react knowing that she could not do what the other girls could do. Again to my surprise she was a true to Libbie form! She never slowed down and participated in everything with the other girls. She even tried the zip line into the foam pit. I stood in amazement and teared up a few times. After the party we went to the birthday girl's house to help open gifts. Libbie told me Kate was her very best friend ever. My heart was happy. I got to play ping pong with two wonderful guys! I haven't played in years and it was soooo much fun. Since the rain held off I got to do a sibling session with 5 amazing people who are going to surprise their mother with pictures for mothers day! We had plans to go back into Houston for a birthday dinner, but on a whim I decided I'd rather head to the beach. I've wanted to take beach pics of my kids since we didn't take them last week with our group session. This can be a stressful situation for this mama... I can be a little OCD... when it comes to my kids pics and their cooperation. Luckily when things didn't go the way I had envisioned I decided to roll with it and just have a good time. The Doll cooperated and I think even enjoyed wearing the tutu (temporarily). They could not wait to get in the water so we didn't get any great shots, but we had the best time ever! We had dinner at our favorite haunt and then drove home with two sleepy babes. Thank you to all my friends and family for making my day so sweet. Here we go with the pics... DSC_0500 DSC_0503 DSC_0548 notice the affectionate hand hold... and here is where we lose it. I come to grips that we are not going to have a sweet photo session DSC_0555 she is not sure if she should laugh or stay serious... you never know how mom will react... you can see the nervous reaction in her eyes... DSC_0556 this could be bad... Owen They dance DSC_0579 DSC_0590 DSC_0599 DSC_0601 DSC_0602 DSC_0610 who could not be happy!! DSC_0613 DSC_0623 DSC_0626 My sweet Hoot! DSC_0633 Wedges and pearls.... DSC_0653 DSC_0658 For Lambert (who says I never post pics of myself... not photogenic at all) But still flexible DSC_0666 DSC_0668 He had to show me up!!! DSC_0672 A blessed day indeed!

Friday, May 3, 2013

South Pacific

Starring... Hoot as Jerome DSC_9427 DSC_9414 Warming up their voices DSC_9452 So they were a little orange.... DSC_9458 Lambert made a few cameo appearances and sang "Bloody Mary" and "Nothing Like A Dame" DSC_9460 And the Doll showed up to support her brother in all her cuteness. I'm so glad her "Alana" dress from B4Bubs arrived in time for the opening performance! She was adorable in the little sailor number!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


DSC_9400wmc “I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone else has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. But for the rest of my life, I am going to be with me and I don't want to spend my life with someone who is always critical. So I am going to stop being my own critic. It's high time that I accept all the great things about me - C. Joy Bell I finally composed this pic and I'm not going to be critical of it.