Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Feel Happy

" I chose to pour My Light into you, so that you can be a beacon to others. There is no room for pride in this position. You part is to reflect My Glory. I am the Lord!" Jesus Calling - Sarah Groves I needed this message today. I can be prideful...

It's 9:45. My children are still sleeping! Its Summer!! This late slumber for my littles doesn't occur often. I have taken full advantage of this sweet time. I've enjoyed a cup o coffee (in blissful solitude) completed a much needed quiet time and read a little of Dr. Dobson's, Building Confidence in Your Child. Great read for all parents. It offers practical applications that help us guide our children to see their true worth and value in a culture that places so much emphasis on beauty and intelligence.



Kroger had peonies yesterday on sale!!! LOVE. I so wish we could grow these beauties in Houston. My folks in Indiana are blessed to have them in abundance. These lovelies were brought in from Michigan. I will cherish them while they last! Our little Kroger gets a shipment around this time each year and they don't last long!

Okay... kids are in my living room requesting breakfast tacos, bacon and waffles...

Its summer....

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