Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Hot and School is Almost OUT!!

Ready for Super K Mom but summer time first!!

Granna, will love these sweeties
He needed some encouragement to pet the animals. His little friends gave him a hand. This is the smartest little sweetheart you could ever meet. He thought he was so brave... he's sooooo me! Wow, this year has flown right by us! I can't believe were in the last week of school. I can't believe that my car registered a whopping 98 degrees today.... I also can't believe we live in Texas and don't have a pool. Hoot had his end of school party yesterday.... Let me set this up for you.... I had to work... I'm in a black lined suit, heels and headed to his school for the big party.... It started at 12:30PM and it was an OUTDOOR PETTING ZOO!!! Most of the mommies were in sun dresses or shorts and tank tops.... Are you getting a visual? 10 minutes into the zoo Hoot asked me to come inside the pen to take pictures... it was hot, stinky, sticky and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. He had a great time with his school mates. We left the party and he went swimming with one of his best buds afterwards. (not at our house). SUMMER IS HERE!!


  1. You are a GREAT Mom to brave the host, stinky petting zoo in a lined black suit:)
